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Marketing PM Software Grundlagen

Was leistet Marketing PM Software?

Funktionen, die Marketing PM-Software bietet

Im Marketingbereich kann die Projektmanagement-Software Teams bei der Planung, Kommunikation und Verfolgung von Projekten unterstützen, vom Briefing bis zur Fertigstellung. Diese bieten oft Funktionen für Projekt- und Ressourcenplanung, Kundenmanagement, Teamzusammenarbeit, Rechnungsstellung, Zeiterfassung und Reporting an.

Welche Vorteile hat der Einsatz von diesen Softwares für Marketingteams?

3 Vorteile für Marketing-Teams durch die Software

  • Optimiere Rechnungen mit Kalkulations- und Abrechnungstools, auf die Kunden zugreifen können.
  • Verschaffe dir einen Überblick über die Kapazität deines Teams, um Überbuchungen zu vermeiden.
  • Speichere Dateien und Dokumente an einem zentralen Ort, an dem es für das Team einfach ist, zusammenzuarbeiten, Feedback zu erhalten und den Fortschritt zu verfolgen.

An wen richtet sich Marketing PM Software?

Arten von Teams, die Marketing PM-Software nutzen

Es ist üblich, Marketing PM-Software zu verwenden in:

  • Internen Marketingabteilungen
  • Marketingagenturen
  • Content-Marketing-Agenturen
  • Digitale Marketingagenturen
  • Markenfirmen oder Studios
  • Designunternehmen oder Studios
  • Werbeagenturen oder Unternehmen

und vielen anderen.

Du hast gerade bemerkt, dass du nicht nach einer Marketing Projektmanagement-Software suchst? Schau dir weitere nützliche Tools an:

  • Projektplanungs-Software, die dir bei der Planung, Verfolgung und Analyse deiner Projekte hilft.
  • Zeiterfassungssoftware, die deinen Teams hilft, die Zeit zu erfassen und dir hilft, die Daten für die Rechnungsstellung und Planung zu nutzen.

Welche ist die beste Marketing Projektmanagement-Software, damit deine Agentur reibungslos funktioniert? Kreativagenturen, hauseigene digitale Teams und Studios haben eines gemeinsam: die beste kreative Arbeit zu leisten. Aber welche Tools kannst du nutzen, um bessere Arbeit zu leisten und zu verhindern, dass Menschen an eine lästige Projektverwaltung gebunden werden?

Marketing Project Management Software DPM Logo Soup 2021

Du suchst eine Projektmanagement-Lösung, die dir hilft, Projekte in deiner Marketingabteilung, einer digitalen Marketingagentur oder einem Kreativstudio zu verwalten?

Wir haben uns entschieden, einen genaueren Blick auf die besten Projektmanagement-Software und -Tools auf dem Markt zu werfen und zu sehen, welche die beste Lösung für Kreativagenturen sind.

Die wichtigsten Kriterien für die beste Marketing Projektmanagement-Software

Das perfekte Marketing- und Projektmanagement-Softwaretool sollte mehr als nur ein einfacher Trick sein – es sollte helfen, die Vielzahl anderer SaaS-Tools zu ersetzen, auf die du dich in der Regel verlässt.

Denke daran, wie viele Abos du jeden Monat bezahlst. Ich wette, du benutzt diese:

Du bezahlst monatlich mehrere tausend Euro für Tools – und sie arbeiten oft nichtmal gut zusammen, was das Kopieren und Einfügen derselben Daten in verschiedene Tools erfordert. Ein einziges Tool zu haben, könnte eine gute Idee sein – aber ist eines davon überhaupt sinnvoll? Wenn du nach einem Projektmanagement-Tool suchst, um alles zu regulieren, brauchst du ein Tool, mit dem du alles machen kannst.

Als ich mir also die Marketing Projektmanagement-Software, die es auf dem Markt gibt, angeschaut habe, habe ich nicht nur die Benutzeroberfläche, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und die Integrationen, sondern auch die folgenden Funktionen geprüft:

  • Zeit- und Kostenerfassung – vom Angebot bis zur Erfassung der Stunden, die für ein Projekt aufgewendet wurden.
  • Projektmanagement – ermöglicht durch Aufgabenmanagement und Tools zur Teamzusammenarbeit
  • Berichts-Dashboards – leicht verständlich, wie das Projekt (und die Agentur) im Hinblick auf Budget, Zeitpläne und Rechnungsstellung abläuft.
  • Ressourcen-Management – Vergewissere dich, dass du keinen Bereich eines Projekts unter- oder überbesetzt.
  • Rechnungsstellung – Umwandlung von Projektberichten in Rechnungen und Kostenvoranschläge

Hinweis: Wenn du nach Marketing-Software (Tools, die dir helfen, deine Marketingkampagnen selbst zu verwalten) anstelle von Marketing-PM-Software suchst, dann schaue hier nach: Die beste Marketing-Software für dein Kleinunternehmen (2018).

15 Marketing Projektmanagement-Software Tools

The Digital Project Manager ist Mehr zu den Features und Funktionalitäten voner-unterstützt. Wenn du durch Links auf unserer Website klickst, erhalten wir möglicherweise eine Provision. Mehr dazu erfahren. 

Die beste Marketing Projektmanagement-Software im Überblick

Im Folgenden stellen wir die beste Projektmanagement-Software für Marketingagenturen vor, die wir bisher gesehen haben.

Best for end-to-end solutions

  • 14-day free trial + free plan available
  • From $8/user/month (billed annually, min 3 seats)
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Rating: 4.7/5 is an award-winning project management software used across diverse industries by companies like Hulu, BBC Studios, Coca-Cola, L’Oréal Paris, Adobe, and Deezer. They are designed to handle building robust custom workflows on their flexible, intuitive platform as well as demonstrating your marketing impact with comprehensive analytics dashboards and reports.

Why I picked Its features for managing marketing projects include resource and project management modules with some great collaboration tools. For example, you can upload and attach files to cards, make comments, mention teammates, and more. It also offers a great project reporting dashboard that can collect data from multiple boards, allowing better tracking abilities of progress. And while doesn’t offer a complete set of tools for project accounting and invoicing solutions as other tools, you can use to track hours, timelines, and invoices.

Other tools like shared documents and whiteboards can help you and your team brainstorm on new projects, improve collaboration, and increase team communication. Standout Features & Integrations

Features include resource and project management, time tracking, collaboration, file management, collaborative docs and reporting dashboards.

Integrations include project management apps like Slack, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Calendar, Jira, GitHub, Trello, Dropbox, Typeform and many more, accessible via a paid plan with Zapier.

Overall, it’s a highly customizable tool that lets you work in whatever methodology fits your project and team. You’ll also find some useful workflow tools for automating parts of your process.

Best free plan for marketing project management software

  • Freemium plan available
  • From $7/user/month
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Rating: 4.7/5

ClickUp is a marketing project management software for managing marketing tasks, campaigns, docs, and clients in one place. The software makes it easy to collaborate with your team, work with clients & contractors, connect your data, and create dashboards to gain data-driven insights from any workflow.

Why I picked ClickUp: Its highly customizable views allow you to visualize marketing campaigns and accounts on lists, Kanban boards, Gantt charts, calendars, and more. Task management features include task checklists, subtasks, and task templates, as well as the ability to filter, sort, search for, easily reorder, and view tasks in the manner most convenient for the team.

Additionally, it includes a native time tracker that your team can use to report on their work, and reporting features with the ability to create custom dashboards, and six built-in report types for team reporting. You can also design custom forms to collect client info, get approval, and distribute information. Custom statuses and automation enable you to establish an efficient intake system for affiliate sign-ups, client onboarding, co-marketing collaboration requests, and more.

ClickUp also features proofing and annotation capabilities for proofing, marking up, and approving files. You can assign comments for requested changes and approve them in real time.

ClickUp Standout Features & Integrations

Features include real-time reporting, whiteboards and shared documents for collaboration, task management with different views, goal tracking, and templates.

Integrations include Slack, G Suite, Dropbox, and many more tools, as well as over 1,000+ integrations through Zapier.

ClickUp's free plan is robust and includes all primary features. Once the free plan reaches its limits, you will still have access to information but need to upgrade to create new stuff.

Best for scaling organizations

  • Free plan available
  • From $9.80/user/month
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Rating: 4.2/5

Wrike is an award-winning marketing project management platform that’s designed to improve marketing project management processes, enabling greater productivity and driving ROI.

Why I picked Wrike: It’s highly configurable, and you can customize workflows, dashboards, reports, and request forms to maximize your effort. Wrike’s simple interface allows you to switch between Kanban boards, interactive drag-and-drop Gantt charts, and workload views for visualizing priorities. Wrike features time and expense tracking, intuitive task and project management, visual proofing, templates for common marketing tasks, reporting, and resource management and allocation.

Wrike has an easy-to-use, intuitive interface and navigation with distinct Spaces, folders, and tasks. Switch from the home screen to timesheets, dashboards, calendars, reports, and the activity stream.

You also have access to various templates for common organizational processes, including marketing production management, operations, promotion, and more.

Wrike Standout Features & Integrations

Features include pre-built templates, custom request forms, interactive Gantt charts, visual proofing, workflow automations, time tracking, project portfolio management, and dashboards.

Integrations. Wrike offers 400+ pre-built native integrations, including the most popular file management software from Microsoft, Google, and Dropbox, along with sales and marketing software from Salesforce and Marketo, and creative apps from Adobe.

Wrike has a dedicated help center with interactive training, videos, and a ‘Getting Started’ guide.

Best for marketing agencies and professional services businesses

  • Free demo
  • From $19/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.1/5

Kantata is a digital work management platform that caters to the needs of professional services businesses, making it a good choice for marketing agencies, consulting firms, and professional services businesses.

Why I picked Kantata: This software made it onto my list because it provides not just project management features, but also resourcing and financial management tools. On top of that, it has workflow management capabilities and team collaboration tools. This helps you centralize your work management in one platform, rather than keep things scattered across your tech stack.

Real-time financial oversight and project status updates keep your team on the ball and within planned budgets. You can manage projects across the complete lifecycle, assigning tasks and tracking progress as your team moves forward. Meanwhile, the business intelligence features let you track productivity, profitability, and more.

Kantata Standout Features and Integrations

Features include Gantt charts, budget management, resource allocation, workflow automation, role-based permissions, comments and communications, approval flows, and BI dashboards and reports.

Integrations include Slack, Sage, Quickbooks, Expensify, BambooHR, NetSuite, Jira, Salesforce, Xero, and Google Workspace.

Best for crafting code-free workflows and automations

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $600/month (billed annually), which equates to $25/user/month with a minimum requirement of 20 users. This is for the Team plan, which includes core features suitable for smaller teams. For larger organizations or those needing advanced features, QuickBase offers higher-tier plans, and pricing for these can be obtained upon request.
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Rating: 4.4/5

QuickBase is a project workflow management tool that helps you build customized business applications to facilitate various core business processes.

Why I picked QuickBase: This software is versatile and user-friendly, making it suitable to virtually any business context. You can use the no-code builder to craft apps, integrations, and automations to support your marketing team's work. This can allow you to both alleviate manual workloads and ensure consistency in your processes.

When you're building a custom workflow in the software, you can establish clear rules and best practices for how to manage specific tasks. This will help your team create shared processes that everyone can easily adhere to. This is especially helpful if you're working across a portfolio or within an agency context.

QuickBase Standout Features & Integrations

Features include a no-code app builder, data syncing and reporting, template library, team collaboration tools, personalized dashboards, mobile app, audit logs, and data encryption.

Integrations include Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, Slack, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Trello, Asana, Jira, Zendesk, and Docusign, among others.

Several learning resources and certification programs are also available from QuickBase, helping to support users in maximizing the utility of their applications.

Best for setting campaign goals and milestones

  • Free trial available
  • From $5/user/month (billed annually).
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Rating: 4.2/5

Zoho Projects is a cloud-based project management platform that's well-equipped for marketing teams. It has customizable features like individual views, custom project fields, project templates, and a reporting dashboard.

Why I chose Zoho Projects: Marketing teams can break down their campaigns into smaller projects, tasks, and subtasks, which can be defined and assigned to the appropriate team members. Milestones and goals help team members see the bigger picture and track the progress and impact of their larger initiatives. Users can design visual workflows with the drag-and-drop Blueprints feature which can be saved and re-used for future projects.

The software's features cover project planning, scheduling, budgeting, and reporting. Marketing teams can use these tools to keep their projects and campaigns within budget, monitor their progress, and track each team member's time. Document collaboration allows marketing teams to easily organize and work on files with version control, notes, and revision history. The dashboard has pre-built and custom reporting abilities, allowing users to track the KPIs that are most important for them.

Zoho Projects Standout Features & Integrations

Features include task management and automation, time tracking, commenting with mentions, issue tracking, workflow builder, Gantt charts, and a reporting dashboard.

Integrations include box, Dropbox, Github, Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Zendesk. A paid Zapier account will unlock additional integrations.

A free plan is available for up to three active users. Paid plans start at $5 per user/month, and a 10-day free trial is available for premium plans.

Best for visual collaboration & innovation

  • Free plan available
  • From $10/user/month
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Rating: 4.8/5

Miro is a visual collaboration platform designed to support a variety of team activities such as project management, brainstorming, and strategic planning. 

Why I picked Miro: Miro is a project management collaboration tool that provides a shared workspace for real-time collaboration, allowing users to track project progress and milestones through features such as Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and timelines. Its expansive digital whiteboard capabilities also enable teams to visually map out strategies, campaigns, and project timelines with ease, fostering creative collaboration across remote and in-office teams alike.

Additionally, Miro provides templates and tools for tasks such as SWOT analysis, retrospectives, and strategy development, making it a comprehensive workspace for creativity, collaboration, and productivity across all teams and organizations. Moreover, its features such as sticky notes, templates for user personas, and journey maps, alongside real-time collaboration and feedback tools, make Miro an invaluable asset for marketing teams aiming to enhance their productivity and creativity in project management.

Miro Standout Features and Integrations

Features include support for process mapping, product development workflows, content and data visualization, workshops, and asynchronous collaboration.

Integrations include Google Drive, Slack, Jira, GitHub, Zoom, Azure DevOps, Asana, Trello, Dropbox, and Microsoft Teams.

Miro is also developing its Miro Assist AI to help automate tedious tasks and expand thinking during ideation and creation. 

Best marketing project management software for progress and time tracking

  • 15-day free trial + free version available
  • From $5.95/user/month
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Rating: 4.6/5

Paymo is a collaborative work management platform that allows you to track your marketing team’s progress and collaborate in context.

Why I picked Paymo: It is a centralized platform where several modules like planning, resource scheduling, time tracking, and invoicing feed into each other and co-exist under the same roof – without messy integrations.

Customizable workflows, project statuses, and notifications help you stay alert and spot bottlenecks way ahead of time. Clarity is further guaranteed by the resource scheduler that informs you about your team’s current and remaining workload, leave days, and project budgets. Along the way, you can track your time in various ways (web app, desktop, mobile), then pull it into an invoice to get paid accurately for your services.

Paymo Standout Features & Integrations

Features include file proofing with annotation and comment capabilities, file versioning, online payment support, a leave planner, invoicing, resource scheduling, and time tracking.

Integrations include the creative tools you use, like Adobe CC, Slack, Jotform, Google Suite, QuickBooks Online, Xero to name a few, so you can work where you feel most comfortable.

Paymo is available in 8 different languages and offers mobile options for you to handle your projects, track time, and invoice clients.

Best for AI utilization capabilities

  • Free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.7/5

Forecast is a marketing project management platform for project and resource management. It’s equipped with intelligent automation that can predict project delivery dates and forecast capacity needs, as well as with collaboration tools to help marketing teams work together.

Why I picked Forecast: Its auto-schedule feature assists with project planning by automatically estimating task durations, assigning resources, and setting deadlines. Another great feature is the ability to automatically calculate utilization throughout an agency or org and see how team members are spending their time.

The tool’s pipeline lets you view finished, running, and planned projects across a portfolio. You can create tasks where team members can comment, share files, and register time. Also included is the ability to set up notifications for key progress updates.

Forecast also includes tools to track the financial progress of projects, whether they are based on retainer contracts or other types of contracts., as well as view profitable and submarginal projects.

Forecast Standout Features & Integrations

Features include AI-powered insights to mitigate risk, task cards where you can interact with the team, sprint planning support, time tracking, reporting, workload management, portfolio financials, and smart invoicing.

Integrations include Asana, GitLab, BambooHR, Expensify, Hubspot, Google Drive, Outlook, Pipedrive, Quickbooks, Salesforce, Reeport, Slack, and thousands more through Zapier.

Overall, this AI-native platform will help you improve your decision-making thanks to its AI features.

Best marketing project management software for project visibility

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $10/user/month (billed annually)
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Rating: 4.4/5

Used by over 20,000 companies, Teamwork Project has all the project management functions you would expect plus features keyed-in to specific marketing needs, like quarterly goals and reporting, task list templates for oft-used marketing items, and automated approvals.

Teamwork Projects excels in levels of collaboration that any marketing team will find useful, like task-specific communication channels, social media content channels, real-time activity logs, and “notebooks” for additional data compilation.

Integrations include Gmail, Hubspot, Slack, Float, Numerics,, timeBro, Userback, Easy Insight, Integromat, Chatify, PieSync, and hundreds more through Zapier.

The user interface can be intimidating compared to alternatives, which may be difficult if you need to onboard a variety of external clients. Additional graphics or more digestible data on the dashboard, for example, would be welcome. This lost them a few points in the UX category of the review.

Teamwork Projects costs from $9/month and has a freemium version of the software for up to 2 projects and 5 users and paid plans also offer a free 30-day trial.

Best digital marketing project management software

  • Free trial + free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.2/5

A lot of marketing teams with the best of intentions have not experienced digital transformation success. That’s because marketing projects are difficult to manage and often plagued by issues that include: misaligned teams, a lack of visibility and working in multiple ad hoc systems. Overcome these obstacles, manage work and collaborate across the enterprise—all from Clarizen’s single, intuitive cloud-based solution.

Clarizen’s leading work management solution offers a 360-degree view of projects, greater efficiency through automation and the ability to adapt to your business processes.

  • Real-time Control: Control your marketing project management, business systems, and processes
  • Business Intelligence: Centralize all activities and gain real-time status on the status of marketing campaigns and projects
  • Enterprise-wide Transparency: Give your team a “single source of truth” so they can make smarter, faster decisions

Up your team’s game and stay competitive with modern work management that enables a successful marketing digital transformation.

Best for streamlining marketing project workflow

  • Free demo available
  • Pricing upon request
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Rating: 4.1/5

Workfront is online project management software designed for agencies, IT teams, service teams, and marketing teams and for collaboration between these internal and external clients.

Why I picked Adobe Workfront: The software allows for full project management, client service, task tracking and prioritization.

The platform also provides for the use of custom data to track projects and related information. Workfront is quite layered, and it takes some time to explore all the various aspects. This complexity, however, gives it incredible flexibility. Choose Workfront for an all-in-one solution.

Adobe Workfront Standout Features & Integrations

Features file sharing, goal alignment, scenario planning, customizable reports, workflow automation, resource management, capacity planning, and collaboration tools, reporting dashboards.

Integrations include out-of-the-box software, like Adobe Creative Cloud & Experience Manager, Jira, Slack, Salesforce, and MS Teams. You can also build custom integrations using Workfront Fusion, an integration platform for any web-based application.

Workfront offers customized pricing upon request.

Best creative marketing project management software

  • Free plan available
  • Starts from $35/month
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Rating: 4.4/5

FunctionFox Simple online timesheet and project management software created by an ad agency for advertising agencies, graphic designers, PR, digital, marketing firms and in-house creative teams.

Why I picked FunctionFox: It has the features to support your marketing campaigns from strategy to implementation. It helps streamline time and expense tracking, estimates and budgeting, running reports, schedules and calendars, task and action assignments, and internal communication.

The comparably low cost is complemented by a generous feature set, making it a great option for small teams. FunctionFox offers add-ons that allow for mobile app access (Android and iPhone), Flink (file exchange), and invoicing. Reports can be saved as Excel, CSV, PDF, and HTML.

FunctionFox Standout Features & Integrations

Features include time tracking, retainer tracking, editable rates, project templates, to-do lists with email alerts, freelancer access, and email alerts on comments.

Integrations are not available at the moment.

Best for its marketing features like project boards, file storage, and task check-ins

  • 30-day free trial
  • From $99/month flat (unlimited users)
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Rating: 4.1/5

Basecamp works with iOS, Android, Mac, and PC and offers a suite of marketing-centric project features that help you split your projects into manageable tasks, coordinate through a central calendar, use internal collaboration systems, and automate regular check-ins.

Why I picked Basecamp: The platform includes independent boards for each of your projects. Within these boards (that act more as dashboards), you can see who is collaborating on the project, a message board, documents that have been attached, to-do lists, the schedule, and more. Its activity view is particularly useful for keeping track of your projects. Activity is displayed on a timeline, and you can filter it by resource to quickly catch up with what they've been up to.

Basecamp Standout Features & Integrations

Features include project dashboards, activity logs, calendar views, scheduling, to-do-lists, message boards, file repositories, Kanban support, and reporting.

Integrations include,, Zapier, TaskClone, Project Buddy, Pleexy, Field Trip, CData Software, RSSBus, Retool, To-Do Helpers, TImeshift Messenger, Zoho Flow, Mr.ToDo, Clockify, Toggl, Ganttify, and more.

Overall, Basecamp has great features and is a really easy tool to pick up as a user.

Best for consultants, engineering firms, and architects

  • Free trial available
  • From $370 /month (for up to 10 users)
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Rating: 4.5/5

Projectworks is a cloud-based software for managing marketing projects that require accurate time tracking based on hours worked, time and materials, and invoicing.

Why I picked ProjectWorks: Although this software has no task management features, it provides businesses with a single platform to handle project planning, tracking, invoicing, and reporting efficiently. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, the software makes it easier for marketing teams to collaborate and communicate effectively, ensuring seamless project management and accurate invoicing to clients.

The software is perfect to keep track of your resources, gathering time reporting and project expenses in a single place, and transforming that time into accurate invoices that reflect both billable and non-billable work.

ProjectWorks Standout Features & Integrations

Features include time tracking of billable and non-billable time, expense tracking so you have better control of projects that go beyond hours worked, resourcing features that let you monitor your team and select new team members by skills, invoicing that is directly linked to timesheets, leave management, reporting, and forecasting.

Integrations include QuickBooks, Xero, MYOB, Jira, Azure DevOps, and HubSpot. You can also build custom integrations using its Swagger API, and access workflow automations with thousands of additional apps through Zapier.

Zusammenfassung der besten Marketing Projektmanagement-Software

Es ist leicht, sich von der verblüffenden Vielfalt der Softwaretools für das Marketing-Projektmanagement überwältigen zu lassen. Nachfolgend haben wir eine übersichtliche Tabelle zusammengestellt, die grundlegende Informationen über die in diesem Artikel beschriebenen Tools zusammenfasst. Wir haben die Preise und die Verfügbarkeit von kostenlosen Testversionen und Demoversionen für dich untersucht, um einen direkten Vergleich noch einfacher zu machen.

Tools Price From $8/user/month (billed annually, min 3 seats)
ClickUp From $7/user/month
Wrike From $9.80/user/month
Kantata From $19/user/month (billed annually)
QuickBase From $600/month (billed annually), which equates to $25/user/month with a minimum requirement of 20 users. This is for the Team plan, which includes core features suitable for smaller teams. For larger organizations or those needing advanced features, QuickBase offers higher-tier plans, and pricing for these can be obtained upon request.
Zoho Projects From $5/user/month (billed annually).
Miro From $10/user/month
Paymo From $5.95/user/month
Forecast Pricing upon request From $10/user/month (billed annually)
Planview Clarizen Pricing upon request
Adobe Workfront Pricing upon request
FunctionFox Starts from $35/month
Basecamp From $99/month flat (unlimited users)
Projectworks From $370 /month (for up to 10 users)
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Sonstige Marketing Projektmanagement-Software

Wenn du die Liste der Marketing Projektmanagement-Software oben ausgecheckt und nichts gefunden hast, was für dich funktioniert, dann haben wir ein paar weitere Projektmanagement-Lösungen für Agenturen entdeckt, die du vielleicht ausprobieren solltest.

  1. Intervals

    Best for time and expense tracking

  2. Workamajig Platinum

    Best for creative and marketing teams of any size

  3. Projector PSA

    Best for marketing project management automation

  4. DoneDone

    Best for marketing project issue tracking

  5. CROOW

    Best forecasting and reporting with guest access

  6. Height

    Best for client collaboration

  7. GanttPRO

    Best for managing projects with Gantt charts

  8. Kintone

    Best for building custom marketing apps

  9. Smartsheet

    Best with resource and digital asset management included

  10. Productive

    Best PM software for growing agencies and software development shops

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Wenn du einige der Details über dein Projekt und die Funktionen, die du in einem Projektmanagement-Tool suchst, eingibst, wird eine Liste von Tools erstellt, die deinen Präferenzen entsprechen. Du gibst deine E-Mail an das Team weiter und es schickt dir einen nützlichen PDF-Leitfaden mit einer Zusammenfassung deiner besten Übereinstimmungen.

Von einfachen Tools, die ein paar schnelle Lösungen bieten, bis hin zu komplexen Produkten, die einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, um sie vollständig zu erforschen – die Möglichkeiten einer Projektmanagement-Software sind vielfältig, was die Auswahl eines komplexen Produkts erheblich erleichtern kann. Unser Vorschlag? Sieh dir die Funktionen jedes Produkts genau an und finde heraus, welche davon die richtigen Kriterien für dich hat. Wenn es eine Demo oder Testversion gibt, empfehlen wir dir, diese zu bestellen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Produkt für dich funktioniert.

By Ben Aston

Ich bin Ben Aston. Ich bin ein digitaler Projektmanager. Seit über 10 Jahren bin ich in der Branche tätig und arbeite in Großbritannien bei den renommiertesten Londoner Medienagenturen wie Dare, Wunderman, Lowe und DDB. Ich habe alles Mögliche realisiert, von viralen Videos über CMS', Flash-Spiele, Bannerwerbung und eCRM bis hin zu E-Commerce-Seiten. Ich hatte das große Glück, für eine Vielzahl von großen Unternehmen zu arbeiten: Automobilmarken wie Land Rover, Volkswagen und Honda, Energieversorger wie BT, British Gas und Exxon, FMCG-Marken wie Unilever und Marken aus der Unterhaltungselektronik wie Sony.